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Coir Bristle Fibres

Coir Bristle Fibre is obtained from coconut husks through a process known as defibering. After extraction, the fibre is thoroughly combed with steel combs to remove impurities and short strands, ensuring it is clean. Bristle coir fibre is primarily used in making bristles for both domestic and industrial brushes.

This type of coir fibre is categorized based on factors such as extraction method, color, the ratio of long to short fibres, and the presence of impurities. Bristle Coir Fibre, in particular, is known for being relatively long and stiff.

Key quality indicators for Bristle Fibres include moisture content, chloride content, and sulphate content. Coir fibre’s versatile properties make it useful in a range of industries, including the production of floor mats, brushes, and automotive components. Its durability and resistance to water make it a popular choice. Furthermore, coir fibre is employed in erosion control, geotextiles, upholstery padding, and insulation materials.

Type Specifications
Size 30x30x12cm-15cm
Weight (+/- 3%) 5kg
Compression Ratio 5:1
pH 5.5-6.8
Expansion Volume 75 to 80 Litres
Electrical Conductivity – Low EC (millimhos/cm) <0.5
Electrical Conductivity – High EC (millimhos/cm) >1
Type Specifications
Packing Pallets are covered by plastic wrap and strapped by tape. Custom packaging available based on customer’s needs. Blocks are loaded directly into the container.
Loadability 4800 Blocks / 22 pallets / 24 MT per 40 HC Container 5200 Blocks / 26 MT per 40 HC Container
Certificates Fumigation certificate, phytosanitary certificate, and certificate of origin
Supply Ability 100 MT per month


  • Durability: Highly resilient, making it ideal for applications requiring stiffness and long-lasting performance.
  • Water and Salt Resistance: Naturally resistant to water, including saltwater, ensuring longevity in harsh environments.
  • Eco-friendly: 100% natural, biodegradable, and sustainably sourced from coconut husks.
  • Versatile Applications: Commonly used in manufacturing brushes for both domestic and industrial use, as well as in floor mats, brooms, and other products requiring stiff bristles.
  • High Quality: Graded based on factors such as fibre length, stiffness, moisture content, and the presence of impurities.

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